Movie Edition Kamen Rider Den-O & Kiva: Climax Deka is a Japanese tokusatsu film in the Kamen Rider franchise. Climax Deka is the second film to feature the characters of the television drama Kamen Rider Den-O and the first to feature the characters of Kamen Rider Kiva. It opened in theaters on April 12, 2008 as part of the Kamen Rider Spring Festival. In its first weekend, it took the top spot at the Japanese box offices.
Set after the events of Kamen Rider Den-O, the Den-Liner gang have set up a detective agency called the Den-Liner Police who seek to keep the Imagin that survived the Junction Point in check. However, these Imagin, including the Pink Rabbit Imagin and the Clown Imagin, have been united under the evil Negataros. Negataros has stolen an extra Den-O Belt allowing him to transform into Kamen Rider Nega Den-O in order to frame Momotaros for an incomprehensible crime. In addition, he has teamed up with members of the Fangire Clan to recreate the perfect world of the Imagin. While working with detective Kazuya Suzuki to uncover the the whereabouts of the Negataros Corps, Ryotaro Nogami, the Tarōs, and Kohana encounter Wataru Kurenai and Shizuka, who are looking for the members of the Fangire Clan that Negataros allied himself with. But they all fall for Negataros' trap, saved in time by Yuto Sakurai and Deneb, who are also working incognito themselves. Soon after the three Kamen Riders team up to stop Negataros and the Fangire Clan members aiding him. Negataros' armor is obliterated by the Double Rider Kick of Kiva & Den-O Climax Form before Negataros ceases to exist all together when Castle Doran, Den-Liner and Zero-Liner destroy him and the Nega Den-Liner for good.
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